Changes for 7.8 January 2018 --------------------------------- * Updating FuguHub to latest Barracuda App Server library. This release deprecates and removes several APIs such as the EventHandler. Changes for 7.6 March 2017 --------------------------------- * Adding SNI support Changes for 7.5 October 2016 --------------------------------- * Product name changed from BarracudaDrive to FuguHub Changes for 7.4 September 2016 --------------------------------- * Updating ChaCha20 and Poly1305 draft to rfc7539 Changes for 7.3 May 2016 --------------------------------- * Large file mailer fix. Data could be truncated when downloading large files. Changes for 7.0 November 2015 --------------------------------- * Upgrading to Lua 5.3 Changes for 6.9 November 2014 --------------------------------- * Upgrading SSL engine and adding IoT protocol Changes for 6.8.1 August 2014 --------------------------------- * Email engine can now send HTML emails Changes for 6.8 June 2014 --------------------------------- * Various fixes and new core APIs Changes for 6.7.3 June 2014 --------------------------------- * XSS fixes. Vulnerabilities reported by Hardeep and Manish from IndiShell Lab Changes for 6.7.2 March 2014 --------------------------------- * XSS fixes. Vulnerabilities reported by Changes for 6.7 March 2014 --------------------------------- * New SSL (SharkSSL) stack with ECC support * XSS fixes Changes for 6.5 May 2013 --------------------------------- * Fixed internal miss configuration that could lead to the error message "413 Request Entity Too Large" * New XSS filter for the forum Changes for 6.4 April 2013 --------------------------------- * Lua virtual machine upgraded from 5.2.1 to 5.2.2 Changes for 6.3 April 2013 --------------------------------- * Linux fix for filesystem integration. This bug was introduced in 6.1/6.2 and caused WebDAV to crash. * Build system failed to package correctly in 6.2 for Windows and Linux and this caused a number of pages using JavaScript to fail. Changes for 6.1 March 2013 --------------------------------- * Bug fix in internal HTTP state machine. This bug was introduced in 6.0. * New Web File Manager icons. Changes for 6.0 February 2013 --------------------------------- DRM (Digital Rights Management) removed: * The license manager was removed from the product. The product is now released under a dual license, one for commercial and one for non-commercial use. Security improvements: * For extra security, a master password can now be set. The master password is used when encrypting/decrypting the authenticated user's password stored in the user.dat database. Large File Mailer Improvements: * The file mailer can now be used for sending general mass email messages. Users in the file mailer database can also request to be permanently removed or change their profile. * Usability improvement: a "download now" button is shown instead of directly downloading the file when clicking a link in an email sent by the file mailer. * The password for password protected links is now cached for 20 minutes, thus making it easier to download multiple password protected files. The following Web File Manager problems are now fixed: * The image pre-view could cause BarracudaDrive to consume too much memory on low memory devices such as the Raspberry Pi. * The image upload and scaling process and the Large File Mailer could prevent the Web File Manager from sending the response until the image scaling or sending SMTP messages completed. The problem was from an internal misconfiguration. * Fixed URL encoding in context menu: "Copy URL" The following Photo Uploader problems in the CMS are now fixed: * The image scaling process could cause BarracudaDrive to consume too much memory on low memory devices such as the Raspberry Pi. The following new values can be set in bd.conf * tracker=true|false -- Enable or disable the login tracker that bans users after tracker_maxlogin attempts. The default value is 'true' * tracker_maxlogin = number -- Set the maximum number of login attempts before banning user. The default value is 4. * tracker_bantime = number -- Set the ban time in seconds. The default value is 600 (10 mins) Changes for 5.3 September 2012 --------------------------------- DDNS Updates: * New providers: and * NoIP: Can no longer use a secure connection due to a bug in NoIP. Bug fixes: * Linux bug fix: Running external programs such as the BitTorrent or the Cloud Backup could cause the server to hang. Changes for 5.2 June 2012 --------------------------------- Improved documentation for using WebDAV from various operating systems/devices. Improved configuration wizard. New Lua virtual machine 5.2.1. Various minor fixes. Changes for 5.1 May 2012 --------------------------------- New Metaweblog API makes it possible for external blog editors to edit the CMS pages in addition to the blog. Client SSL stack: SSL resumption bug fix. Changes for 5.0 April 2012 --------------------------------- Note to MXTunnel users: You must upgrade the MXTunnel to version 1.2 when upgrading the server to 5.0. New keep-alive check in the MxTunnel protocol. New internal (improved) Lua scripting engine. A number of fixes for the CMS photo album manager. Metaweblog fixes (now works with the ScribeFire blog editor). Changes for 4.9.2 February 2012 --------------------------------- Metaweblog fixes (now works with Blogilo blog editor) Changes for 4.9.1 February 2012 --------------------------------- The internal HttpStunnel startup sequence was modified to circumvent a bug in Java Web Start. Changes for 4.9 February 2012 --------------------------------- Includes a new tunnel server engine. Now supports Microsoft Word's "publish to blog" feature. Mandatory CMS "Facebook comments" upgrade, thus old comments will be lost. Changes for 4.8.4 December 2011 --------------------------------- Fixed a flaw in the HttpsTunnel server that could cause the server to crash or malfunction. Tuning internal buffers. Changes for 4.8 November 2011 --------------------------------- Tuning internal buffers. Changes for 4.7 November 2011 --------------------------------- WebDAV locks can now be managed via the Web File Manager. Many small improvements. Changes for 4.6.1 October 2011 --------------------------------- FileMailer improvements and various other improvements. Changes for 4.6 August 2011 --------------------------------- New File Mailer. Email files to individuals or to contact list(s). New Web File Manager photo preview engine. Many small improvements. More information: Changes for 4.5.5 June 2011 --------------------------------- Web File Manager MP3 player and photo album viewer improvements. Some WebDAV clients fail when using Digest authentication. The server now gives the client the option of using Basic authentication if the communication is using SSL. The Windows 7 WebDAV client and GoodSync's integrated WebDAV client can now successfully authenticate if the connection is secure. Changes for 4.5.4 May 2011 --------------------------------- Free license available on the BarracudaDrive Facebook fan page. Bug fix for tiny zip files (deployed apps). Changes for 4.5.3 May 2011 --------------------------------- Users can now change the BarracudaDrive logo. CMS and web file manager Improvements. Changes for 4.5.2 March 2011 --------------------------------- Bug fix in the WebDAV lock management Changes for 4.5.1 February 2011 --------------------------------- Bug fix in wfs constraints management See the following for more info: Changes for 4.5 February 2011 --------------------------------- The internal "Barracuda Embedded Web Server" now includes the new LSP plugin. Many minor improvements. Changes for 4.4.8 January 2011 --------------------------------- SSL stack now supports "TLS False Start", which is required by the Chrome browser. Changes for 4.4.7 December 2010 --------------------------------- Bug fix in database connection layer. The data could leak in version 4.4.5 and 4.4.6. Changes for 4.4.6 October 2010 --------------------------------- License manager is now very liberal. UPnP and DDNS improvements. Changes for 4.4.5 September 2010 --------------------------------- Categories and sub-menus added to the CMS engine. Professional installation help integrated with the installation wizard. Changes for 4.4.4 August 2010 --------------------------------- Improvements to the drag and drop feature in the Web File Manager. Changes for 4.4.3 July 2010 --------------------------------- Auto compressing files being downloaded can now be disabled by deleting bd.lua. Changes for 4.4.2 June 2010 --------------------------------- New theme for the CMS and internal management pages. Changes for 4.4.1 May 2010 --------------------------------- SMTP (mail) engine added. Password recovery, by email, added for BD users and forum users. Forum can now send emails to all registered users (bulk email). Changes for 4.4 April 2010 --------------------------------- Application Manager: The application manager is completely redesigned and should now work in all browsers. File Server: Can now manage large files -- i.e. files larger than 4 Gbytes. New drag and drop upload, see the following video for more information: CMS New photo album manager. Added support for external Facebook blog comments. Editor now automatically strips absolute image URL's inserted by some (faulty) browsers. Fixed the image preview in the image browser. Fixed the metaweblog API. External blog editors could not publish. Installation wizard: UPnP discovery now works when BD is installed on Windows 7. Changes for 4.3 --------------------------------- Not released. Changes for 4.2 August 2009 --------------------------------- Minor improvements and bug fixes. Changes for 4.1 June 2009 --------------------------------- WebDAV clients can now connect using the browser's login session. Improvments to the various RSS feeds provided by the CMS and the forum. Changes for 4.0.2 May 2009 --------------------------------- -- Changes in BD 4.0.2: Modifications applied to the login for URI's starting with /fs/ to enable the WebDAV authentication to accept the faulty Microsoft WebDAV mini redirector client. -- Changes in BD 4.0.1: Bug fix in WebDAV. User could not do PROPFIND. 4.0: -- Changes in BD: The Web File Manager URI (originally /drive/) and the WebDAV server URI (originally /dav/) are now accessed using the same URI /fs/. The URI /fs/ is short for File Server. The content on the Menu page and the "Hard Drive" page have been improved and the pages are now easier to use. -- Improvements to the Installation Wizard: The Wizard is now easier to use. The UPnP detection and automatic port mapping has been improved. -- Improvements to the Content Management System (CMS): The CMS themes are now detached from and moved to a separate directory. The change makes it easier to modify existing themes and make new themes. Pages in the CMS can now execute Lua code. -- General Improvements: Minor bug fixes. Changes for 3.9 May 2008 --------------------------------- -- New in BD: New automatic port forwarding manager. New DDNS client that updates the domain name within 30 seconds of changed IP address. -- New Content Management System plugin: -- Improvements to the Bulletin Board plugin: Added a RSS feed that makes it easy to stay up to date with the latest messages. -- Improvements to the Installation Wizard: The Wizard is now easier to use. The wizard can now automate port forwarding for users behind a router. -- Improvements to the integrated user interface: Changes to CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and naming conventions. The Opera browser can now login using "unsecured connection". -- Fixed several problems in the BarracudaDrive Windows License Manager. Changes for 3.8 December 7, 2007 --------------------------------- -- New Bulletin Board plugin: -- Improvements to the Web File Manager: New user interface that makes it possible to sort the columns. New integrated MP3 player and Photo Slide Show. -- Removed the button for starting Windows Web Folders from the Web File Manager. Microsoft is dropping support for Web Folders in favor of the new WebDAV Mini Redirector. -- Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. An attacker could gain access to resources on the computer by using carefully constructed URL's that exploits how UTF-8 to UTF-16 encoding is done in Windows. -- Fixed a URL encoding bug in the WebDAV server that caused some WebDAV clients to bail out. -- Fixed the Windows batch file that is automatically generated by page: http://localhost/rtl/settings/HardDrive.lsp -- Removed the www application from being installed by the installation program. The user now gets a 404 page if visiting the root directory i.e. if visiting http://localhost/. -- New License Manager. The license manager in BarracudaDrive 3.7.x was purchased as a component from another company. This product had a number of flaws. We have now replaced this component with a new license manager Changes for 3.7.2 September 4, 2007 --------------------------------- - Fixed minor faults in the tunnel and registration process. Changes for 3.7 August 23, 2007 ------------------------------- - Some minor tweaking of DAV for the mini redirector - Install bug fixes, install will now restart Skype Changes for 3.6 August 2, 2007 ------------------------------ - License handling in BarracudaDrive changed to "try before you buy" - Name-based virtual hosting added to BD root directories - New product GetMyLAN released - New product GoToMyWebServer released - Improved installation - User interface enhancements - Bug fixes Changes for 3.5 May 17, 2007 ---------------------------- - to re-install BarracudaDrive ALWAYS just run the install program of the newer version - the task bar icon has been renamed to bdctl.exe - the install now detects if BarracudaDrive is running and prompts the user to terminate running programs before the install will continue - the default directory name is \BD - When BarracudaDrive starts is now looks for a file in the installation directory named "bdinst.cmd". If this command file exists it will be executed, prior to the web server starting. When running as service this command file can be used for executing such things as "subst" commands. Changes for 3.4 May 3, 2007 --------------------------- - when running as a service BarracudaDrive now writes fatal errors to the Windows event log. - some minor bugs in the behaviour of the bd.conf file have been corrected. - changes to circumvent a BUG in Java such that the tunnel can be loaded via Java Web Start using faulty Java versions. - user interface improvements - installation program enhancements - fixed an SSL problem that could potentially make the server stop responding. - The HTTP and HTTPS ports can now be bound to different interfaces. See the BD command line parameters -p, -s, -h and -g. These values can also be set in bd.conf by using the following values (e.g.): host="" sslhost="" port=80 sslport=80 - X509 SSL Certificates can now be installed. See the end of this document for how to do it. Support ------- Support for BarracudaDrive is provided via email and the web. Web: Using openssl create a self signed certificate ---------------------------------------------- using an editor create a file named config.cnf with contents as follows: ##### [ req ] distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name [ req_distinguished_name ] countryName = Country Name (2 letter code) stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name) localityName = Locality Name (eg, city) 0.organizationName = Organization Name (eg, company) organizationalUnitName = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) commonName = Common Name (eg, YOUR name) emailAddress = Email Address #replace the following countryName_default = US stateOrProvinceName_default = California localityName_default = Laguna Niguel 0.organizationName_default = Real Time Logic organizationalUnitName_default = R&D commonName_default = emailAddress_default = #####